Dr. Slavisa Aleksic
Nowadays, a high level of digitalization, transformation of the industry, machine-to-machine communication, and many other innovative commercial, industrial and private applications set very high requirements on the underlying optical network infrastructure. Mainly for this reason, optical networks are currently undergoing a radical change from traditional static architectures to more dynamic, flexible, and adaptable concepts. In order to optimally support the emerging applications, future optical networks should be able to provide rapid and on-demand provisioning of high data rates in a flexible and efficient manner.
In this talk, we will discuss current trends and challenges in the areas of softwarization and virtualization of optical network infrastructure and review various emerging technologies and architectures for future high-capacity, efficient, and flexible optical transport networks.
Short Biography:
Slavisa Aleksic received both Dipl.-Ing. (M.Sc.) and Dr. techn. (Ph.D.) degrees as well as venia docendi teaching authorisation (habilitation) from the Vienna University of Technology, Austria. Currently, he is a professor at the Hochschule für Telekommunikation (HfTL), Leipzig, Germany, where he is responsible for teaching and research within the broad area of telecommunication technologies and networks with emphasis on network design, management, and performance evaluation.
Slavisa Aleksic is author or co-author of more than 120 scientific publications including book chapters, papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals, and contributions to international recognized conferences. He has been involved in a number of projects related to communication systems and networks including projects funded by the European Union, Austrian Science Fund (FWF), Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), and in collaboration with several companies.
Dr. Aleksic is a Senior Member of the IEEE and a member of the OVE, the MRS and the IEICE. He serves as a reviewer of numerous reputed journals and book series published by e.g. IEEE, EURASIP, OSA, ELSEVIER, SPRINGER, TAYLOR & FRANCIS and a member of the Technical Programme Committee of a dozen of international conferences (IEEE, IFIP, IEE, OSA, IAIRA). He received several international and national awards and grants such as four best paper awards, the biggest Austrian business plan award i2b (second level), the grant of the Open Society Institute, and the grant of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture.