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Chairmen’s Message

On behalf of the Local Organizing Committee and the Technical Program Committee, we are delighted to welcome you all to the 5th International Conference on Broadband Communications for Next Generation Networks and Multimedia Applications (CoBCom) and the 31st International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP) – hosted by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria, 9–11 July 2024. In line with previous events, i.e., CSNDSP 2008, ConTEL 2011, NOC 2013, ICTON 2014, ConTEL 2015, CoBCom 2016 and 2018, ConTEL 2019, as well as CoBCom 2020 and 2022, which also took place in Graz, we were able to arrange a number of sessions on Photonic and Optical Communications, Information and Communication Technologies, Protocols and Networks, Multimedia Applications as well as RF Engineering and Antennas, organized by experts in the field to whom we are very grateful. The program includes also internationally renowned keynote and invited speakers presenting an overview of their current research activities.

Supported by the technical co-sponsorship of the IEEE Austria Section, we are really proud that we could attract many international participants. On behalf of the Technical and Organizing Committees, we are presenting a program providing a platform for scientists, industry, operators and service providers to share ideas, discuss recent advances, exchange their R&D experience, and present state-of-the-art techniques as well as future concepts. The CoBCom-IWSSIP 2024 Technical Program comprises keynote and invited talks as well as a series of sessions related to hot and timely topics. Finally, the conference hosts also the “International CEEPUS and ERASMUS Workshop” on microwave technologies, radars, remote sensing and communications, strongly connected to regional companies and neighbour country’s institutions.

In the context of CoBCom-IWSSIP 2024, keynote and invited talks are organized in form of plenary sessions. The first keynote, entitled “Physiological Radar for Biomedical Monitoring”, is given by Prof. Victor Lubecke, University of Hawaii at Manoa. The second keynote on “Using Network Honeypots for Data Security and Risk Assessment” will be presented by Prof. Andrej Kos from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. The first invited speaker is Dr. Dana Seyringer from the University of Applied Sciences in Dornbirn, Austria. She is talking about “Quantum Explorer – an Educational Project for Primary and Secondary Schools”. The second invited talk is given by Dr. Andreas Weiss from Joanneum Research in Pinkafeld, Austria. He will report about “Visible Light Sensing – a Use Case Based Assessment of Principles, Applications and Future Potentials”. The third invited speaker is Dr. Attila Hilt from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary, focusing in his speech on “Dimensioning Challenges of Telecommunication Network Elements Migrating onto the Cloud”. The fourth and last invited talk is presented by Maciej Sobieraj from the Poznan University of Technology, Poland, entitled “Simulation and Analytical Modeling of Elastic Optical Networks”.

We were able to collect about 60 paper entries via the EDAS conference system. At submission deadline for the final manuscript, we accepted 39 contributions to be presented. Each paper was evaluated by at least three independent reviewers with respect to technical content, novelty, originality, and presentation. All the accepted and registered contributions will be published via IEEE Xplore in case they are presented at the conference.

Our sincere thanks go to the people whose cooperation and help made this conference possible, in particular to the members of the international Organizing and Technical Program Committees, but also to people responsible for local support, to all the authors submitting their work to CoBCom-IWSSIP 2024 and, last but not least, to the reviewers for their time and effort spent in this context. The technical co-sponsorship of the IEEE Austria Chapter is very much appreciated and hereby acknowledged. We were also able to organize three social events (Guided City Tour and Welcome Reception at the City Hall by the Lord Mayor of Graz, Invitation by the Governor of Styria to a Gala Dinner in the State Rooms of the Grazer Burg, trip to a Buschenschank). In view of this, our special thanks go to the support given by the Province of Styria and the City of Graz (including Graz Tourism). Finally, we wish all the participants a rewarding meeting, exciting presentations, fruitful discussions, a nice working atmosphere, and that we all enjoy the social program!

Erich Leitgeb, Wilfried Gappmair, Maja Matijašević – General Chairs (CoBCom)
Franz Teschl, Andrej Kos, Mariusz Głąbowski – TPC Chairs (CoBCom)

Erich Leitgeb, Wilfried Gappmair, Markus Rupp – General Chairs (IWSSIP)
Franz Teschl, Gregor Rozinaj, Venceslav Kafedziski – TPC Chairs (IWSSIP)