Prof. Dr. Marian Marciniak
The given keynote can be downloaded here.
The Optical Wireless Communications (OWC) international standardisation activities are strongly emphasized in the Memorandum of Understanding of the COST Action CA19111 European Network on Future Generation Optical Wireless Communication Technologies (NEWFOCUS). Also the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), the International Telecommunication Union – Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R), and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) are progressing in developing and maintaining Optical Wireless Communications standards.
Optical Wireless is a well established Communication Technology. In this talk Optical Wireless Communications (OWC) or Free Space Optics (FSO) is considered within the focus of regulations and standardisation-bodies for future applications. The OWC and FSO Technology is compared to other Communication Technologies and ITU, IEC, and IEEE International standards for Free-Space Optical links will be reviewed. In this talk the recent progress in various standardisation organisations worldwide including an ongoing work will be shown, and future directions will be outlined. The co-existence and compatibility of neighbouring systems, propagation atmospheric conditions, visible light communications, and laser safety issues will be considered too.

Marian Marciniak has been graduated in solid state physics from Marie Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin, Poland, in 1977. From 1985 to 1989 he performed Ph.D. studies in electromagnetic wave theory at the Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, followed by Ph.D. degree (with distinction) in optoelectronics received from Military University of Technology in Warsaw. In 1997 he received his Doctor of Sciences (Habilitation) degree in physics/optics from Warsaw University of Technology – The Institute of Physics.
From 1978 to 1997 he held an academic position in the Academy of Telecommunications in Zegrze, Poland. In August 1996 he joined the National Institute of Telecommunications – State Research Institute in Warsaw where he actually holds a position of Professor at the Department of Transmission and Optical Technologies. Since October 2008 till July 2017 he was also a professor at Kielce University of Technology, Poland. Since August 2004 he serves as an Honorary International Advisor to the George Green Institute for Electromagnetics Research at the University of Nottingham, UK.
His early activities included extended studies of optical waveguiding linear and nonlinear phenomena with focus on developing original analytic and numerical methods including beam-propagation methods. He has formulated a theory for mode cut-off conditions in lossy waveguides. He has performed advanced studies of radiation field propagation in optical waveguides and he has formulated conditions for efficient radiation-to-guided mode conversion. He has studied extensively the propagation of light in optical waveguides containing simultaneously amplifying and lossy layers with Beam Propagation Method and he was the first to point out the oscillatory or exponential field behaviour in such waveguides depending of the absolute value of gain and loss. Current research interests include transparent and all-optical packet- and burst-switched telecommunication networks, ultrafast and nanoscale/subwavelength photonics, Radio-over-Fibre systems, network reliability and security, ubiquitous networking & computing, and the future global optical & wireless networking and services. Recently he has introduced and developed a non-conventional model of a hybrid photonic real-time service & packet network. He is an author or co-author of over 470 technical publications, including a number of invited conference presentations and 20 books authored, co-authored and/or edited by himself.
He is a Life Senior Member of the IEEE – Lasers & Electro-Optics (renamed Photonics)and Communications Societies, and a member of The Optical Society of America (recently renamed Optica), and Japan Society of Applied Physics. In early 2001 he originated the IEEE/LEOS Poland Chapter and he served as the elected Chairman of that Chapter until July 2003.
As a LEOS volunteer he was the originator and Co-Chair, together with Prof. Trevor M Benson from University of Nottingham, UK, of a conference topic Nonlinear Dynamics in Photonic Systems for IEEE/LEOS Winter Topicals 2009, 12-14 January 2009 in Innsbruck, Austria. He has been appointment as a sub-committee chair for CLEO/Europe 2017 and CLEO/Europe 2019, topic area CH “Optical Sensing and Metrology“. He served as the Programme Chair for 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe – European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO®/Europe-EQEC 2021), 20 – 24 June 2021, ICM – International Congress Centre, Munich, Germany. At present he is appointed as General Chair for coming CLEO/Europe 2023.
In 1999 Prof. Marciniak originated and he continues to act as the organiser of the annual International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON series, and of the co-located events: the European Symposium on Photonic Crystals ESPC, the Workshop on All-Optical Routing WAOR, the Global Optical & Wireless Networking GOWN Seminar, Reliability issues in Next Generation Optical Networks RONEXT workshop, Photonic Integrated Components & Applications Workshop PICAW, Nanophotonics for All-Optical Networking NAON Workshop, Sub-Wavelength Photonics SWP conference amongst others. His responsibilities cover the technical program coordination and co-edition of Conference Proceedings. ICTON is technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Photonics Society and now it is a flagship conference of IEEE Photonics Society Poland Chapter organised in sequence in different EU member countries.
In 2007 he started, together with Dr. Ridha Rejeb from the Institute for Advanced Engineering and Research, Germany, a winter event ICTON – Mediterranean Winter conference series in Mediterranean region – in Sousse, Tunisia, December 2007, in Marrakech, Morocco, December 2008, and in Angers, France, December 2009.
He is widely involved in the European research for telecommunication networks and services. He was the originator of accession of Poland to COST – European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research Programs, those were in chronological order, Modelling and Measuring of Advanced Photonic Telecommunication Components (240), Applications of Nonlinear Optical Phenomena (P2), Advanced Infrastructure for Photonic Networks (266), Wavelength-Scale Photonic Components for Telecommunications (268), Reliability of Optical Components and Devices in Communications Systems and Networks (270), Towards Mobile Broadband Multimedia Networks (273), Nanoscale and Ultrafast Photonics (288), Physics of linear, non-linear and active photonic crystals (P11), Towards Digital Optical Networks, TDON (291), Graphs and algorithms in communication networks, GRAAL (293), Pervasive Mobile & Ambient Wireless Communications (2100), MP0702 Towards functional sub-wavelength photonic structures (MP0702), TERA-MIR Radiation: Materials, Generation, Detection and Applications (MP1204), Civil Engineering Applications of Ground Penetrating Radar (TU1208), NanoSpectroscopy (MP1302), Advanced fibre laser and coherent source as tools for society, manufacturing and lifescience (MP1401), Nanoscale Quantum Optics (MP1403); European Network on Integrated Microwave Photonics (CA16220), and very recently European Network on Future Generation Optical Wireless Communication Technologies NEWFOCUS (CA19111). He served as the Chairman of COST Action MP0702 Towards functional sub-wavelength photonic structures (2008-2012).
He has been appointed as the Evaluator for the European Union IST 5th Framework Program proposals in the Action Line All-Optical and Terabit Networks, in IST 6th FP Research Networking Test-Beds, and in ICT 7th FP Photonic Components & Subsystems, in INTAS Program, and in addition in national programs in several countries with The Leverhulme Trust, EPSRC, UKIERI and Royal Society in UK, IRCSET in Ireland, Swiss National Science Foundation, for national science funding organisations in Slovenia, Greece, Latvia, Hungary, Belgium, Italy, Sweden, Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF) 2007, 2008, and the State Committee for Scientific Research (KBN), National Science Centre (NCN), National Research and Development Centre (NCBiR) in Poland. In 2014 he served as an External Expert to COST – Physics, Materials and Nano-Science, MPNS Domain. Since 2016 he serves as the Vice-Chair for HORIZON 2020 FET-OPEN – Novel Ideas for Radically New Technologies, Research and Innovation Actions (RIA), and most recently for Horizon Europe.
He is/has been a Delegate to the International Telecommunication Union, Study Group 15 Optical and Other Transport Network Infrastructures, and to the International Electrotechnical Commission, Technical Committee 86 Fibre Optics and its Sub-Committees SC86B Fibre Optic Interconnecting Devices and Passive Components and SC86C Fibre Optic Systems and Active Devices. He was a local organiser of IEC TC 86 Annual Meeting in Warsaw, Poland, September 2004. In 1998 he originated and served as the Chairman of the Technical Committee 282 on “Fibre Optics” of the National Committee for Standardisation till 2009. He served as a member of Polish Delegation to the World Telecommunication Standards Assembly WTSA 2000 – Montreal, Canada, and WTSA 2004 – Florianopolis, Brazil. Since 2002 he participates in the work of the URSI – International Union of Radio Science, Commission D – Electronics and Photonics, for which he serves as the Vice-President of the National Committee D since 2009. In May 2003 he served as the Vice-President of the Delegation of Poland to the Inter-Governmental Ukrainian-Polish Working Commission for Cooperation in Telecommunications.
He was the local organizer and co-chair, together with conference originator Prof. Mauro F. Pereira from Sheffield Hallam University, UK, for the International Conference on Semiconductor Materials and Optics SMMO series, Warsaw, Prague, Lisbon, 2007-2016.
In addition to that he is the Technical Program Committee Co-Chair of the International Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers CAOL in Ukraine (2003, 2005, 2008, 2010, 2013) and in Mexico (2006), and he participates in Program Committees of the Conference on the Optical Internet & Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology COIN/ACOFT , the International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory MMET, the International Workshop on Laser and Fiber-Optical Network Modeling LFNM, Scientific and Technical Conference on Quantum Electronics QE, and the International School for Young Scientists and Students on Optics, Laser Physics and Biophysics / Workshop on Laser Physics and Photonics, SPIE Photonics Europe 2004&2006 – Reliability of Optical Fibre Components, Devices, Systems and Networks II, SPIE Europe Congress on Optics and Optoelectronics – Photonic Crystals and Fibers (PCF) 2005, and COST 291 Workshop Optical networking perspectives vs. optical technologies reality co-located with 11th Conference on Optical Network Design and Modelling ONDM 2007. He served, together with Prof. José Luis Marzo, Universidad de Girona, Spain, as the Keynotes Co-Chair for the 12th International Conference on Optical Networking Design and Modeling ONDM 2008 in Vilanova i la Geltrú, Catalonia, Spain, on March 12-14, 2008. He served as the OSA voluntary Representative and the Technical Program Committee Co-Chair for The International Workshop “THz Radiation: Basic Research and Applications“ (TERA’2008) in Alushta, Crimea, Ukraine, October 2- 4, 2008. He has been serving as the International Advisory Board Member of the Conference Disclosing Materials at Nanoscale of the International Ceramics Congress, CIMTEC in Italy, since 2010.
He serves as the Editor-in-Chief for Optical and Quantum Electronics (SPRINGER). He is a Member of the Editorial Board of: Microwave & Optoelectronics Technology Letters journal, Wiley, USA, Journal of Electromagnetic Optics – Joint edition of Fresnel Institute, AMU, CNRS and SFO, International Journal of Scientific and Technological Research, International Journal of Advanced and Multidisciplinary Engineering Science (JAMES), Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences (JoMS)”, and Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, National Institute of Telecommunications, Poland, and a Member of the Board of Associate Editors of the International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications (IJET), Poland.
He has accepted invitations to be a Guest Editor of Special Issues of journals: Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, Applications of Nonlinear Optical Phenomena (2000, 2017), Optical Switching and Networking (2009), Journal of Networks, Transparent Optical Networking (2009), Journal of Quantum Electronics, a Feature Section on the Nonlinear Dynamics in Photonic Systems (2009) amongst others.
He serves as a reviewer for international scientific journals: Microwave & Optoelectronics Technology Letters (Wiley), IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Journal of Lightwave Technology (IEEE/OSA), Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Journal of Optical Society of America B, Optics Express, OSA Journal of Optical Networking (JON), Optical and Quantum Electronics, Journal of Optics A: Pure & Applied Optics, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Solid State Electronics, Materials Chemistry and Physics, Physica Status Solidi, IET Optoelectronics, Measurement Science and Technology, the International Journal of Electronics and Communication (AEÜ), Germany, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, and also for several leading international conferences.
His biography has been cited in Marquis Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in the World, Who’s Who in Science and Engineering, and in the International Directory of Distinguished Leadership of the American Biographical Institute.
Languages spoken: Polish (native), English, French and Russian (all fluently), and Italian (basic). E-mail,